A recent Facebook memory status update inspired this particular blog post and in the spirit of Halloween, I thought I’d elaborate with
creature features. The old memory was about an undergraduate class I took, called World of Film. Other students and I had a mid-term
focusing on the same theme: are good movies still being made and why we do or don’t believe so. Just for a short, sweet answer on Facebook, I wrote that yes, very good ones come along each year.

When I saw that memory show up for re-share, I did so using favorite classic monsters. Despite numerous remakes, they could easily build up
an opposing answer. Some may feel that the film industry is running out of ideas. However, there are always new movies released that are
amazing; they’re well-acted, have strong plots, engage our emotions, etc. Although I favor originals of many cinematic works, I also love
certain remakes or reboots. A perfect example, especially for this frightful time of year, is “The Wolfman” (2010) starring Benicio Del Toro in the beastly title role. It had creepy scenes of an old English manor and a misty nighttime forest, a storyline set in / around Victorian era. So, maybe it was a tribute to old horror movies with that atmospheric look in which monsters lurk. Yet modern also suits vampires and werewolves for “Twilight,” its young audience relating to 21st century high school life. Of course, having a heartthrob element, the franchise couldn’t go wrong. Team Edward or Team Jacob, right? If I were part of the age group that had crushes on either guy, I’d go more for Robert Pattinson from the start. His character’s brooding demeanor would’ve drawn me to Team Edward.

What are your thoughts about whether or not we still see good movies being made?

Also, with two onscreen vampires in this post, which actor is your favorite as the classic monster?

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!