Archives for posts with tag: Thor

The world of Marvel has several nominations for People’s Choice awards, with contenders among my favorites. So I thought I’d revisit this blockbuster sequel and share my thoughts on it.

As I awaited the release of “Avengers: Age of Ultron” into theaters, its predecessor frequently aired on TV. The group of Marvel superheroes had combined their efforts to battle Loki and an evil army in hopes to save New York City. The sequel finds the Avengers already mid-fight, powering through a snowy, wooded area. Each one is shown doing a part in their surge, until they come together for an awesome team-effort shot. Along the way, humorous lingo back and forth adds another element drawing a wider audience – the action fans and comedy fans alike.

Their battle in the forest leads them toward an imposing fortress with a path snaking to the top. Once inside, Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) finds an all-too-familiar and unwelcome sight. He and his Avenger friends also encounter the powers of two new and mysterious siblings. Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), too fast for the eyes and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), with her possessed expression.

A party scene hints at romance between Natasha, a.k.a. Black Widow, (Scarlett Johansson) and Bruce (Mark Ruffalo). More humor follows as several Avengers try lifting the hammer of a casually-dressed Thor (Chris Hemsworth). But the fun is interrupted and the team is back in action when Ultron (James Spader) shows up. This is a form of Stark’s technology, intended as global protection, becoming a menace.

Assessing the damage and possible dangers ahead leads them to a shady character and, for me, a cool surprise to see (Andy Serkis)! Soon after, more battle action with amazing visuals, especially between Bruce-turned-Hulk and Iron Man. This element is fairly steady and well-paced throughout the movie between down-time scenes.

Chasing after Ultron through a city setting, Black Widow has an awesome sequence of motorcycle stunts! She doesn’t miss a beat as she’s coordinating with Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and Captain America (Chris Evans). As the action plays out, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch make use of their powers once more.

Another new superpower arises in the caped Vision (Paul Bettany), coming with a surprising ability. I’m already wondering where this will go as the Marvel franchise continues. The additional faces in “Avengers: Age of Ultron” make for another great element, with spectacular visuals to show what they can do.

My favorite among these characters is Scarlet Witch, especially when she finds the strength within her to fight evil. She has a rather dramatic look whenever she appears and conjures up her cool supernatural talents. This brings about a changing point for her, in a way, just as the battles against Ultron heats up for an exciting close.

Who is my overall favorite Avenger? Thor, hands down. So I’m looking forward to the next installment in the movies centered on the God of Thunder. Several cast members from that franchise also appear briefly in “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” including Idris Elba and Stellan Skarsgard. Samuel L. Jackson and Cobie Smulders return for this sequel, joined by Don Cheadle and Anthony Mackie as Marvel newcomers.

One more thing I like about this movie is the bonus content that comes with the DVD, covering the filming locations. I would especially love to visit the fortress that overlooked the Avengers’ opening battle scene!

It’s been a bit busy lately, what with some recent outings and continuing my job search.  Actually, some opportunities that I’m looking for include writing about and reviewing movies for various websites.  Anyway, in getting back to posting on here about movies, I just watched “Thor” again.  I didn’t see that in theaters, so the first time I watched it was on DVD within a few days before going to see “The Avengers” earlier this summer.

“Thor” (2011)

A ceremony honoring the passing of the throne is interrupted by a breach by Asgard’s enemies, the Frost Giants.  Acting against his father Odin’s (Anthony Hopkins) wishes, causing an uproar, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) loses out on the throne of Asgard.  He finds himself falling to Earth in a magnificent whirlwind phenomenon as Jane (Natalie Portman) and company race across the desert toward it.  They later put the pieces together as to the origin of this mysterious plain-clothed man, after his surprising appearance in the middle of nowhere.

The powerful hammer soon follows with a crash in the desert, a party of locals turn up attempting to dislodge it.  Suited government men eventually take over the impact crater of Thor’s hammer, making it a top-secret zone.  Meanwhile, Loki (Tom Hiddleston), with newly-discovered knowledge of his past, puts his own agenda into action in the realm of Asgard.  He is driven by feelings of long since being second to Thor in the eyes of Odin.

Thor, Jane and her friends, Erik Selvig and Darcy (Stellan Skarsgard and Kat Dennings), find themselves struggling against the government men and soon, a giant armor-clad menace.  Up in Asgard, Thor’s friends struggle against the reign of Loki and how to help their should-be leader stuck on Earth.  Who wins the day comes down to Thor and his ability to act as an honorable leader, as his father wanted.  In the midst of everything, there is a budding romance between Jane and the handsome God of Thunder who speaks of realms and such.

Knotwork detail of Thor’s hammer, as well as on the floor and golden gates of the Asgardian palace add to the story its age-old myths.  In an interesting contrast, there are the references to modern-day technology such as Facebook and the Hubble Telescope.  Both Asgard and Jane’s lab similarly have bursting, spiked elements in their architecture; it seems to bring a connection between the two very different worlds.  They’re people are different and far apart, yet share common bonds through ideals and timeless struggles.  Amazing special effects, conflict of good and evil, humorous moments and a great cast make this one of my new favorites of its genre.

“The Avengers” (2012)

Going into it, I wondered if I should have seen more of the movies about the other individual Avengers.  Just to have the visual background on those that have their own separate movies.  At least in terms of Thor and Loki, I already knew the reasons for bad vibes between the two out-of-this-world rivals.  But lacking background on the rest wasn’t a problem for watching the Avengers take on evil with their combined strengths.

One by one, the Avengers are found in various locations and brought together for a common cause.  A few of them clash at first, adding to the super-strength action and overall conflict.  Other times, verbal jabs are exchanged in humor, as well as references to pop culture.  As an Avenger from another world, Thor doesn’t get the meaning behind such comments.  But despite a few differences along the way, the team lead by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) are one collective force against eminent evil.  Loki, as Thor’s otherworldly nemesis, is at the head of that evil making its way to Earth.

Even with all the combined strengths and powers of the Avengers, once the evil forces arrive, they appear impossible to defeat.  Great in numbers and with enormous assets to their army, the Avengers have an epic fight ahead of them.  All the while, everyday citizens are in danger as the intergalactic battle wages on around their city streets and businesses.

Besides Thor’s part as one of the Avengers, a few familiar faces show up from the movie “Thor.”  Those include the government man, Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) who first discovers where Thor’s great hammer crash-landed and co-Avenger, Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner).  Only after seeing “The Avengers” and re-watching “Thor” did I realize that there is also a brief reference to Tony Stark in the God of Thunder’s time spent on Earth.  It’s another connection between at least those two Avengers.

Just as in “Thor,” the special effects are stunning and a great cast brings the action-packed story to life on the screen.  Mark Ruffalo, as Bruce Banner, tries to take it easy to prevent his green side, The Hulk, from showing.  Chris Evans is once again the patriotic Captain America and Scarlett Johansson is the sly Black Widow.

So far, out of all the Avengers, I’d say that I like the hammer-wielding Thor the most.  But after seeing the team of superheroes fighting for justice, Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man is also a favorite of mine.  I’ll have to catch up on the “Iron Man” movies sometime as the next step in watching the Avengers-related movies.